3 March 2023
Friday, 3 March 2023
Here comes FutureMakers with another Friday Inspiration to inject that extra bit of positivity and inspiration into our community of change makers to energise you through the coming weeks.
A demonstration of leadership we’ve seen…

A groundbreaking new college with a focus on education for transformation
The first of its kind, Black Mountain College was founded to focus on the most critical challenge of our time—tackling the climate crisis. Through its BA degree in Sustainable Futures, BMC aims to “create changemakers who become catalysts in organisations”, addressing the painful sustainability skills gap and accelerating positive change.
Something we’ve watched…

How new structures are being created to give legal rights to our natural environment
Some organisations have taken a stand by placing nature at the heart of their business—by giving nature a seat on the board, or by effectively donating the company to its restoration. This new film explores what it would mean to go further and recognise nature as a legal entity, and looks at some examples for what it looks like in practice.
A signal of change we’ve noticed…

More and more talent place focus on alignment of values in their work
The Great Resignation was not a flash in the pan—it turns out that people are increasingly aware of how their own values align with the companies they work for. According to new research, 51% of employees surveyed would consider resigning if employers do not align with their own values—hopefully giving businesses a push to accelerate positive impact.
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