Friday Inspiration #10


08 July 2022

Friday, 08 July 2022

Here comes FutureMakers with another Friday Inspiration to inject that extra bit of positivity and inspiration into our community of change makers to energise you through the coming weeks.

Something we’ve visited…

Rethinking our cities to create a better everyday life – The Ideal City 2040

Giving visitors experiential (VR headsets!) & inspirational visions of future cities that are designed in harmony with nature to improve our environment and quality of life, this exhibit premiered in London and is touring around the globe—keep your eyes peeled!

Something we’ve listened to…

No Doom For Boomers! with Bill McKibben

In this episode of Outrage! + Optimism, the journalist and environmentalist explains the drive behind his inspiring new venture—Third Act—which boldly aims to activate The Greatest Generation to leverage their unique expertise & power and drive climate action.

Something we’ve watched…

How climate change will affect Wimbledon 2059

As the second week of Wimbledon draws to a close, we’ve revisited this Met Office video that envisions climate impacts on the tournament in the future. This is a particularly smart (and darkly funny) way to drive home how much of what we love and enjoy is at stake.

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