22 October 2021
Friday, 22 October 2021
It’s been a wild few weeks, months… years—and in times like these it can be hard to keep your spirits up and maintain energy to fight for what you believe in. So here comes FutureMakers to inject that extra bit of positivity and inspiration into our community of change makers to energise you through the coming weeks.
We’ve been feeling this deeply, and have been going out of our way to look beyond doom and gloom and find nuggets of positivity that fire us up. And instead of keeping them to ourselves, with this new Friday Inspiration series, we thought we should share them with you as our allies in sustainability and innovation.
These will be published at least once a month, or more often if we find enough awesome stuff to share with you. You can also sign up to have these sent straight to your inbox using the form at the bottom of the page.
Something we’ve read…
Regenerative is the future
The wonderful new publication from the RSA—Regenerative Futures: From sustaining to thriving together—powerfully and thoughtfully drives home why simply “doing better” is no longer enough, and how it is by redefining our relationships with our world, our land and each other that we can all thrive together. It’s a compelling read, and one that connects to the heart, not just the head.
Some good news we’ve heard…
Record $5bn donation to protect nature could herald new green era of giving
Would you look at that—some good environment news for a change! Word that a group of nine philanthropic foundations made the largest ever donation to nature conservation will come as a welcome jolt of optimism, and hopefully will rekindle the focus and fire of businesses and governments alike who’ve become pandemic-weary. Let’s not forget that without a healthy planet, there is no business model. (The Guardian)
A great resource we’ve found…
Climate solutions at work
Established in 2014, Project Drawdown‘s mission is to help the world reach a point at which we don’t simply limit the concentration of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, but begin to actively decrease them. They’ve handily put together the Drawdown-Aligned Business Framework to assist businesses in identifying specific climate actions to help the world achieve drawdown “quickly, safely and equitably”.
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